The following merchandise is available from JOY Dogs:
Life with Oscar : Childrens Book – R50
A childrens book with a moral of ‘don’t steal’. It includes activity pages and dog tips.
Soft toys: These look just like the JOY Dogs
Key chain – R40 Small size R150 Medium size R175 Large size R350
Finger puppets
Single R30
Life size JOY Dog made to order, price on request
Sitting dog with flexible paw – price on request
Wellness cards:
Set of 30 Wellness (inspiration) cards in a box – R200
The above can all be ordered from Sue.
Prices exclude postage
email Sue –
Hair collected from grooming the JOY Dogs is also spun on a spinning wheel and made into garments – this is a long involved process and the garments are not yet for sale. This is what has been made to date.