We are posting a video each week on the JOY Dogs and what they do. See my Youtube channel Susan Green for more videos or click on the following links.
The JOY Dogs being naughty – https://youtu.be/faeguivZdqw
The JOY Dogs on filmsets – https://youtu.be/mbbszKr3Bis
The JOY Dogs playing in the Garden : https://youtu.be/Xa8aiL8Cd-A
All about JOY Dog Jazmine – https://youtu.be/HbIsMHDQoPM
JOY Dogmobiles – all about the cars used to transport the JOY Dogs – https://youtu.be/vz0gxzFP7kM
JOY Dogs in the Mirror – https://youtu.be/IZiUGGRs2Ss
JOY Dogs asleep – https://youtu.be/Bk1SHtmLtaU
Here is a lovely photo of Jade swimming