New scarf from dog hair
I made a new scarf (buff) from the dogs’ hair. This one was quite challenging as I did it in one ply so it would be thinner
JOY Dog Videos
We are posting a video each week on the JOY Dogs and what they do. See my Youtube channel Susan Green for more videos or click on
Oscar’s 6th birthday
We celebrated Oscar’s 6th birthday at the Hamlet where everyone and the dogs enjoyed cake.
Pet Blessing at Saint The...
A wonderful morning spent under the trees and blessed by Father Bugler.
More JOY Dog videos
JOY Dogs attending community events All about Oscar JOY Dogs at the birdbath JOY Dogs in their garden JOY Dogs playing in the house JOY Dogs –
JOY Dogs visit Shield Exp...
We have become firm friends of Shield Express Car Wash – just wish I could send the dogs through the car wash to get cleaned! They did
Eukanuba sponsor the JOY ...
At Queen Pet Shop Gezina And at Queen Pet Shop Queenswood, Pretoria
tame TIMES – recycl...
The JOY Dogs’ hair from grooming is collected, spun on a spinning wheel and recycled by being knitted or crocheted into garments.
Moreglans Aged Home ̵...
A great show for the old folk who are always so happy to see the dogs. We have been asked to do two more shows there this